Semilac Flash Sunlight Effect Violet 670


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SKU: 81904aba6448 Category:

Semilac Flash Sunlight Effect Violet 670

Hybrid nails powder — unique decoration at hand

Semilac presents new powders for hybrid nails, thanks to which you will create a perfect manicure. Where does its uniqueness lie? In the ability to adapt to the circumstances! Learn more about hybrid nail powders which live your life. And the light! What does it consist in? Read more!

Semilac Flash Sunlight Effect Violet 670 nail powder — get surrounded with violet

The new line of Semilac Flash Sunlight Effect nail powders has 6 unique colours, including violet! Do not be afraid it is not suitable for your work as it comes to live only in sunshine! If you do not expose it to sunlight, it will stay virtually unnoticeable on your nails. Which means best for your business looks.

However, it is enough to go for a walk and your manicure will adopt a less formal dimension. Here the violet may show its whole power! Meet the magic Semilac Flash Sunlight Effect Violet 670 nail powder and fall in love with its depth!

Semilac powders — when you opt for the top quality!

Our extensive offer includes all products required to care for your nails and style them. Those are not only hybrid nail polishes! Semilac powders enjoy immense interest. This results from their top quality, great colours, durability on your nails and easy application. Only the advantages! Test the UV powders — they are hit products for your nails!


Precautions Keep out of reach of children Avoid contact with skin and eyes Do not use if sensitive to any of the ingredients Do not use if you have damaged nails or any nail diseases If any adverse reactions or sensitivity occur, e.g., burning sensation, itching, redness, etc., discontinue use immediately Do not use after expiry date (expiry date and serial number and product batch number can be found next to the barcode) Avoid direct sunlight or extreme UV light exposure Only use on healthy nails Contraindications Nail and cuticle conditions, such as: fungal infections, e.g. onychomycosis, paronychia, local candidiasis, warts around or underneath the nails, nail psoriasis, Loosening of the nail plate from the nail bed (onycholysis) Inflammation and allergic reaction Nail injuries, infection of the nail and the surrounding area Open cuts local to treatment area Cuticle and nail inflammation caused during a classic manicure, e.g. during cuticle trimming Sensitivity to any of the ingredients

Do not use if

nail and cuticle conditions, such as: fungal infections, e.g. onyc homycosis, paronychia, local candidiasis, warts around or underneath the nails, nail psoriasis, loosening of the nail plate from the nail bed (onycholysis), inflammation and allergic reaction, nail injuries, infection of the nail and the surrounding area, open cuts local to treatment area, cuticle and nail inflammation caused during a classic manicure, e.g. during cuticle trimming, sensitivity to any of the ingredients.
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